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What the three little pigs have to teach us available in print, as an ebook and audio.

A quick read, deceptively brief. None of the usual formula of using several examples to support a theory. This is a story about every business which you will be thinking about long after you close the back cover.

Business books are significantly more effective* when they are read in hardcopy. With its bright yellow cover, this one will be visible on your desk or dropped on the coffee table – it will be calling you to read it and implement the wisdom within!

*Big claim, based on donkey's years of experience.

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Readers' Comments

"Working for an organisation that was going through significant change and in a leadership role as an ambassador for the change, the book “House Made of Bricks” was an easy to read fable that was so relevant, it appeared to be written specifically for our business.  It allowed all levels of the organisation to focus on what was most important and re-prioritise our change management approach and philosophy with a focus on not making change for change’s sake, but rather put all our energy and resources into the big rocks that could really move the needle our organisation.  I would encourage any business going through transformation to read this book and to also cascade the reading down to those initiating and receiving the change.  It not only simplifies to process but provides an insight into what most organisations are facing daily when trying to go from good to great."

Michael Iacuone – Head of Sales

"I love It. It is very readable and entertaining. Great for SMEs who haven’t had the big corporate exposure to this kind of stuff."

Deborah Pascoe – Director

"I kept thinking it was based on us as the correlations were uncanny. The thing I love the most though is its simplicity."

Steve Nailer – CEO

"What a fun and engaging read. It was the beginning of something very engaging and needed for this time. I felt myself bouncing along as I read it, hungry for the next scene."

Matt Clarke – Founder

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